If you’re running digital events like webinars but haven’t started an ongoing event series, now is the time. Audiences are more hungry than ever for the superb content that can only be delivered through an expertly developed event series. And don’t forget about all the ways you can then repurpose that content!

But the thought of creating, launching, and growing a series can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re hosting this four-part series masterclass. We’re bringing together industry leaders who have created, launched, and grown shows with hundreds of episodes and thousands of participants.

Join other event, demand, and content marketers to learn:

  • Why every department should run their own ongoing series

  • Strategies for picking, developing, and launching a series

  • How to keep a series going by sourcing the best guests and content

  • Ways to measure success and build momentum

Avatar of Jay Acunzo JA
Jay Acunzo
Host, Unthinkable & Cofounder, Creator Kitchen
Creator Kitchen
Avatar of Michelle Johnson MJ
Michelle Johnson
Field Marketing Manager
Avatar of Lindsay McGuire LM
Lindsay McGuire
Assoc. Dir. of Content & Campaigns
What is Zuora?
What is Creator Kitchen?
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC
Creating Your First Series: A Roadmap for Success

Class two of our masterclass series provides you with the ultimate roadmap to creating your first series. Go from ideation to launch in no time with pro tips from industry leaders who have launched shows...

  • Jay Acunzo
  • Michelle Johnson
  • Lindsay McGuire
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